Standard Swedish standard · SS-EN 16751:2016

Bio-based products - Sustainability criteria

Status: Valid

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Standard Swedish standard · SS-EN 16751:2016

Bio-based products - Sustainability criteria
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1 pc Hållbarhetsaspekter för svensk skogsråvara –...

1 pc Bio-based products - Sustainability criteria

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This European Standard sets horizontal sustainability criteria applicable to the bio-based part of all bio-based products, excluding food, feed and energy, covering all three pillars of sustainability; environmental, social and economic aspects. If the product is partly bio-based, this European Standard can only be used for the bio-based part since it does not address non-bio-based (fossil, mineral) parts of a product.

This European Standard can be used for two applications; either to provide sustainability information about the biomass production only or to provide sustainability information in the supply chain for the bio-based part of the bio-based product.

This European Standard sets a framework to provide information on management of sustainability aspects.

This European Standard cannot be used to make claims that operations or products are sustainable since it does not establish thresholds or limits.

This European Standard can however be used for business-to-business (B2B) communication or for developing product specific standards and certification schemes.


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Standard Swedish standard · SS-EN 16751:2016

Bio-based products - Sustainability criteria
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Price: 1 152 SEK
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Price: 1 843,20 SEK
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SS-EN 16751:2016 och SIS HB 352, PDF

Package: SS-EN 16751:2016 och SIS HB 352, PDF

1 pc Hållbarhetsaspekter för svensk skogsråvara –...

standard ikon pdf 1 pc Bio-based products - Sustainability criteria

Read more about package SS-EN 16751:2016 och SIS HB 352, PDF

Package price: (101.43 EUR) 1 150 SEK

Normal price: (141.30 EUR) 1 602 SEK

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SS-EN 16751:2016 och SIS HB 352, tryckt

Package: SS-EN 16751:2016 och SIS HB 352, tryckt

1 pc Hållbarhetsaspekter för svensk skogsråvara –...

1 pc Bio-based products - Sustainability criteria

Read more about package SS-EN 16751:2016 och SIS HB 352, tryckt

Package price: (101.43 EUR) 1 150 SEK

Normal price: (141.30 EUR) 1 602 SEK

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Product information

Language: English

Written by: Svenska institutet för standarder

International title:

Article no: STD-8019870

Edition: 1

Approved: 4/11/2016

No of pages: 44

Also available in: SS-EN 16751:2016