ISO/IWA 49 Guidelines for Barnahus, a child friendly multidisciplinary and interagency response model for abused children

Barnahus (e. Childrens House) model is a child-friendly multidisciplinary and interagency response model for the investigation and treatment of child abuse. It provides a wholistic framework to ensure child-friendly and safe environment for children where relevant services are brought together under one roof for the purposes of providing the child a coordinated and effective response and for preventing re-traumatization during investigation and court proceedings.


Even though the Barnahus model has mostly been implemented and gained recognition in Europe, the model is flexible and can be adapted to different national contexts. Still, in order to practice as a Barnahus, there are foundational criterias and guidelines that should guide the setup and practice in all countries.

The Workshop gives the opportunity to adapt the model to different circumstances. Participation of experts from all over the world is therefore vital for providing local expertise to find ways for the model to work in different circumstances.

A draft version of the IWA will be sent to registered participants.

International Workshop Agreement provide the opportunity to ensure the broadest range of relevant interested parties. IWA´s are approved by consensus amongst the individual participants in the workshop. The IWA Process can be found here >

Workshop procedure and timeframe

  • May 2024
    Registration opens
  • June 20th
    Introduction webinar
  • August 31th
    Registration to the sessions closes.
  • September 5th
    Digital workshop introduction –agreement on title, scope, general outline and basic content of the document. Presentation on working mode and ways of commenting.
  • September - Mid
    Updated draft to be circulated for commenting
  • October 23-24th
    Physical Workshop, face to face meeting in Reykjavik Iceland. Discuss comments provided, update draft.
    On-site study trip to the Icelandic Barnahus.
  • October 25th
    optional on-site study trip to the Icelandic Barnahus.
  • December 10th
    Digital meeting, review and approval of the final document.
  • February, 2025
    Estimated publishing date for the ISO IWA.

(If the workshop participants decides that additional meetings are necessary, that can be organized.)

Please note that registration to the workshop on Oct 23-24 must be done before August 31, working documents, detailed agendas and links to the digital meetings (Sept 5 and Dec 10) will then be provided to registered participants.

If you have any questions please contact Joakim Falk, SIS.

What to expect in Reykjavik, Iceland in late October
ISO invitation to the workshop including the draft proposal

Participate in the International Workshop Agreement

September 5
Preparatory digital workshop, 12:00 - 16:00 CET (10:00-14:00 UTC) 

October 23-24, 2024
Face to face full day meetings in Reykjavik Iceland on October 23 - 24. 

December 10
Follow up digital meeting, 12:00 - 16:00 CET (10:00-14:00 UTC).


Participate in the International Workshop Agreement

Registration is closed.

September 5
Preparatory digital workshop, 12:00 - 16:00 CET (10:00-14:00 UTC) 

October 23-24, 2024
Face to face full day meetings in Reykjavik Iceland on October 23 - 24. 

December 10
Follow up digital meeting, 12:00 - 16:00 CET (10:00-14:00 UTC).

June webinar

See the introduction webinar here: 

See the presentations here (PDF) >