Transitional period for introducing new editions of Swedish standards

When implementing new editions of European standards, there is sometimes a need for the previous edition and the new edition to apply in parallel as the Swedish standard during a transitional period.

In these cases, it is not possible for the Swedish Institute for Standards to postpone cancellation of a previous edition until the new edition is harmonised or until the Swedish implementation standard is ready. There is a regulatory framework that controls the way standards are cancelled that SIS is obliged to follow under the terms of its membership of the European Standardisation Organisation, CEN.

This means that:

SIS must comply with rules and dates for implementing new editions that apply within CEN and dates for cancelling previous editions that CEN specifies.

The simultaneous validity of two different editions is not allowed.

SIS is not able to prescribe which standard is to apply in individual cases.

This means that:

SIS can never prescribe which edition is to be used on the market, i.e. if someone chooses to apply a cancelled edition, SIS has no opinion in this matter.

When a harmonised standard has been published by CEN, it is the European Commission’s responsibility to check that it complies with EU legislation (directive or ordinance). If the requirements are fulfilled, the standard is published in the European Commission’s official journal. If the requirements are not fulfilled, the CEN technical committee concerned will be notified of the reason. Once the standard has been published in the journal, it is harmonised and CE marking in accordance with the standard is possible.

Questions about which edition should be applied in a contract situation should be addressed to the public authority concerned or the client.

SIS provides both editions.

SIS provides the most recently confirmed and the previous edition that has been cancelled. SIS reports which standard applies as the Swedish standard in accordance with CEN’s rules and regulations.