Adhesives for leather and footwear materials - Determination of colour change of white or bright coloured leather surfaces by migration
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StandardSwedish standard
SS-EN 12705:2011
Adhesives for leather and footwear materials - Determination of colour change of white or bright coloured leather surfaces by migration
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This European Standard specifies a method to determine the colour change of white or bright coloured leather surfaces caused by adhesives and/or their basic constituents migrating from the reverse sides to their upper surfaces. This change of colour may be caused either by the adhesive directly or by adhesive coatings on materials used in footwear manufacture, e.g. adhesive coated linings for ironing, toe-puffs, reinforcing tapes or bonded materials.
Adhesives for leather and footwear materials - Determination of colour change of white or bright coloured leather surfaces by migration
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