Diesel engines - Calibrating nozzle, delay pintle type (ISO 4010:1998, IDT)
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SS-ISO 4010:2005
Diesel engines - Calibrating nozzle, delay pintle type (ISO 4010:1998, IDT)
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This International Standard specifies a nozzle intended for the testing and setting of injection pumps on injection pump test benches. It specifies the dimensions and test methods for determining the clearance at the “pintle” of the needle (method 1) and the clearance at the needle guide (method 2).
The exact limit of the application of the calibrating nozzle depends upon the test values specified for the injection pump. The applicability is to be verified in each case by the pump manufacturer and stated on the pump test specification for each pump type. The typical range is up to 150 mm3/stroke.
Diesel engines - Calibrating nozzle, delay pintle type (ISO 4010:1998, IDT)
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