Oscillation-type density meters - Part 2: Process instruments for homogeneous liquids (ISO 15212-2:2002)
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SS-EN ISO 15212-2
Oscillation-type density meters - Part 2: Process instruments for homogeneous liquids (ISO 15212-2:2002)
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This part of ISO 15212 specifies metrological requirements, among others, for oscillation-type density meters as well as for functional units (see 4.2) of oscillation-type density meters, which are used in process for all kinds of homogeneous liquids. This includes liquified gases. Instructions and methods for installation, preadjustment, adjustment and calibration of process instruments are also given. The instruments are either integral systems or functional units, which can be combined into an integral measuring system. This part of ISO 15212 does not describe the method of use of process density meters for particular applications or products, e.g. petroleum products or beverages. Such methods of use can be defined by relevant institutions such as ISO or responsible Government agencies. This part of ISO 15212 does not define an instrument specification for any particular application. For this information reference should be made to the relevant standard covering the method of use. This part of ISO 15212 is addressed to manufacturers of density meters and to bodies, testing and certifying the conformity of density meters. This part of ISO 15212 also gives recommendations for adjustment and calibration of process density meters. Oscillation-type density meters used in laboratories are addressed in ISO 15212-1.
Oscillation-type density meters - Part 2: Process instruments for homogeneous liquids (ISO 15212-2:2002)
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