Standard Swedish standard · SS-EN 50182

Conductors for overhead lines - Round wire concentric lay stranded conductors

Status: Valid

· Corrected by: SS-EN 50182 AC 1
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Standard Swedish standard · SS-EN 50182

Conductors for overhead lines - Round wire concentric lay stranded conductors
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This European Standard specifies the electrical and mechanical characteristics of round wire concentric lay bare overhead electrical conductors stranded in alternate directions, with or without grease as per EN 50326, made of one or a combination of any of the following:
a) Hard drawn Aluminium as per EN 60889 designated AL1
b) Aluminium alloy as per EN 50183 designated AL2 to AL7
c) Zinc coated steel wire as per EN 50189 with grade and class designated ST1A, ST2B, ST3D, ST4A, ST5E, and ST6C.
d) Aluminum-clad steel wire as per EN 61232 with class designation 20SA (grades A and B), 27SA, 30SA and 40SA.
Conductors made of zinc coated steel wires only are not included.


Wires (29.060.10)

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Standard Swedish standard · SS-EN 50182

Conductors for overhead lines - Round wire concentric lay stranded conductors
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Price: 1 663 SEK
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Price: 1 663 SEK
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Product information

Language: English


International title:

Article no: STD-3332085

Edition: 1

Approved: 6/15/2005

No of pages: 75

Replaces: SS 4240802 , SS 4240807 , SS 4240800